Supporting Opera

  • Our inventive, high-quality performances of opera bring the art form to audiences in Park City and the surrounding area.

    We are enriching our community’s cultural sector by enlivening unconventional venues with music. We perform opera in non-traditional and outdoor spaces.

    We are forming partnerships with arts and cultural organizations based in Park City in order to cohesively add opera to the already-vibrant arts scene in town!

  • We are thrilled to find opera admirers in Park City. If you would like to support our initiatives:

    • Attend our upcoming performances. We look forward to meeting you this summer!

    • Make a donation via our online platform or in the mail. Our 501(c)(3) status is currently pending; once approved, all donations made after March 18, 2023 will be tax-exempt, and a letter of receipt will be issued. If you would like to learn more about our fiscal plan and fundraising goals, please contact Lisl Wangermann, Director of Development, at

    • Help us build online traction. Follow us on Instagram @parkcityopera or on Facebook (Park City Opera). Share our upcoming events!

    • Host an event with Park City Opera – see below!

    • Volunteer at our events to help us welcome audiences! Email to get involved.

  • One of the best ways to support Park City Opera is to host an event with us!

    • If you manage a venue, please reach out to us at We are committed to working with you to bring approachable performances to your community.

    • If you are an individual, we are happy to bring opera to your location and audience. Opera does not have to be fancy – you can invite our talent to join your book club, wine tasting party, or Pioneer Day cookout. Small gatherings are a wonderful opportunity for Park City Opera to share our art form and speak about our mission. Please email us at to get the ball rolling!

Attending Opera

  • Firstly, welcome to the wonderful world of classical voice – we are so happy to have you! Our Summer 2024 events are designed to be accessible and enjoyed by all.

    At our events, you will find:

    • Family-friendly venues and audiences

    • Between 45 and 90 minutes of music, with pauses throughout the program designed for those who can only stay for a few minutes

    • Two to three singers accompanied by piano

    • Excerpts from Italian, French, German, Czech, Russian, and American operas

    • Songs in a variety of languages, including English, French, German, Russian, and Spanish

    • A casual atmosphere – feel free to bring and enjoy snacks and beverages throughout

  • We will produce our first full-length opera with an orchestra in Summer 2025!

    In the meantime, help us build our audience by attending our Summer 2024 Preview Season events! Please also consider making a financial contribution to help us meet our fiscal needs for Summer 2025 and beyond.

Creating Opera

  • If you are a professional opera singer based in the Park City or surrounding area, we would love to hear from you! We are finalizing our artistic roster for our Summer 2024 Concert Series (see now.

    In Winter 2024, we will begin our audition process for our Summer 2025 Mainstage Production. All performance opportunities with Park City Opera are paid. Singers who have professional degrees in vocal performance, role and language experience, and a desire to grow their artistry in a supportive, professional environment are encouraged to audition. Please subscribe to our newsletter and stay tuned for audition information

  • If you are a professional instrumentalist based in Park City or the surrounding area, and you are interested in playing in the orchestra for our Summer 2025 Mainstage Production, please subscribe to our newsletter and stay tuned for audition information coming soon!

  • Yes! Please contact us to express interest. We’ll reach out with more information!