Park City Opera is a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing audience-centered opera to our local community.

In harmony with the breathtaking natural landscape of Park City, we are reinvigorating a centuries-old art form by reimagining the concert experience and presenting performances in unconventional venues.

Collaboration is at the heart of opera…

Here’s a look at our partnerships with local arts organizations involved in making Park City a vibrant community.

Even locals may not know that Park City once had its own opera house on Main Street, which tragically burned down in 1898. We are excited to revive the legacy of opera in Park City. Here’s our story:

After meeting in 2019, Lena, Lisl, and Ben developed a collaborative relationship that would lead to Park City Opera. Lena, based in Park City, interned with the Park City Arts Council and worked for the Professional Development Department. She also served as the Director of the Hot Air Music Festival at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music, while earning a master’s degree in voice. Ben has served on the music staff (as conductor and pianist) at Sarasota Opera, Pacific Opera Project, Chicago Summer Opera, Opera Company of Middlebury, and will manage the USC Thornton Edge while pursuing a master’s degree in composition. Lisl served as the Development Assistant for Apollo’s Fire, the Grammy-winning baroque orchestra, and worked as the Residence Director for the Cleveland Institute of Music while earning a master’s degree in voice. 

Our professional paths were shaped by our time together at Yale University, where we directed the Opera Theatre of Yale College. During this time, we worked on more than twenty productions, serving as singers, directors, stage managers, producers, composers, and conductors. We cultivated a community of artists, built an audience of first-time opera attendees, and learned the recipe for how to create engaging opera!

Park City is Lena’s home and a home-away-from-home for Lisl and Ben. We’ve experienced the joys of Park City’s already-thriving musical scene and seen how the community values a diverse array of artistic mediums.